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 Private Training

Private wrestling lessons are available Sunday through Friday, each lesson lasts 60 minutes and extra time can be scheduled as needed.

Each lesson focuses on the specific needs of the athlete. Coach Lara will do an initial assessment of movement patterns, positional strength and technical proficiency before implementing a lesson plan.

Consistency is key. A lot of ground can be covered in one lesson, but consistent work will lead to dramatic changes for the athlete. Follow up lessons are highly recommended.

Who’s done private lessons?

State Champion List

James Rowley - 2x World Medalist, 4x State Champion

Chance Lamer - University of Michigan, World 5th, 2x World Team Runner Up, 4x State Champion

Daschle Lamer - Fargo Freestyle National Finalist, 3x State Champion

Hayden Walters - Fargo AA, 3x State Champion

DJ Gillett - 3x State Champion

Riley Godek - 2x State Champion

Evan Potter - NAIA ALL-AMERICAN, 2x State Champion

Hunter Eveland - OSU Wrestling, 2x State Champion

Ayden Wolgamott - State Finalist, SOU Wrestling

Blaise Pindell - 2x State Finalist, 1x State Champion

Sam & Sawyer Greenstreet - State Champions

Ethan Fruend - 2x State Champion

Drayson Elder - 2x State Champion

Everest Sutton - 2x State Champion

Isaac Conner - State Champion, Tulsa Nationals Placer

Gavin Rangel - State Champion, Tulsa Nationals Placer

Jaxon Gillespie - State Champion, Tulsa Nationals Placer

Travis Sherman - State Champion

Destiny Rodriguez - World Champion

Bailey Chafin - State Champion

Sophia Redwine - State Champion

Olivia Hernandez - State Champion

Ben Hernandez - State Champion

Drew & Carter Dawson - State Champions

Daniel Patrick - State Champion

Asher Ruchti - 2x State Finalist, State Champion

Nash Singleton - 3x State Champion, Fargo AA

Gage Singleton - 2x State Champion

And more…

Who’s next?